Timmy Burnette : Elder / Lead Pastor


Pastor Timmy wears many hats. He is a husband, father, pastor, and church planter. Timmy met his wife Beth in 2001 during a student event. Timmy and Beth have three amazing daughters (Emma, Macy, Lottie) and one son (Shepard). Pastor Timmy feels called to pastor and plant gospel centered churches. Timmy seeks to make the Bible clear and demonstrate the relevance of God’s word to everyday life, and he seeks to do so without compromising the centrality of Christ and the gospel. Along with being the lead pastor of Covenant Church, Timmy is dedicated to promoting biblical manhood and seeing men lead their families well. Timmy’s desire for the church at large can be found in Colossians ….
"Him (Christ) we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."

Colossians 1.28-29

Bryon Silvers: Elder / Pastor of Students and Families


Pastor Bryon is the husband of Tiffany and father of Cody and Caleb. Tiffany and Bryon have been married since 2003 and spent their entire life in the North Buncombe area. He is the Pastor of Students and Families and believes building disciples and equipping our youth with the Gospel is a very important key in families, church, and the Great Commission. Bryon and his family have been dedicated to Covenant Church from the beginning, when it was initially planted by Pastor Timmy.
"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate."
Psalms 127:4‭-‬5 ESV

Jeremy Ballard: Elder / Pastor of Worship & Administration


Originally from Weaverville, Pastor Jeremy grew up around Reems Creek and the Beech Community area. He has served in ministry since 2006 and feels incredibly blessed to be able to serve the people and community where he was raised. He and his wife, Bonnie, have been married since 2008.They are proud parents to three beautiful girls- Liberty, Haddie, and Laynie, and a son, Henry. Pastor Jeremy is passionate about the Word of God being central to the Church's worship and how our knowledge of Who He is, What He has done, and Who we are in Him (Theology) shapes our response of Worship (Doxology).

"Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength! Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His Name; bring an offering and come before Him! Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness"

I Chronicles 16:28-29 ESV

Leadership Team

Elders: Timmy Burnette, Bryon Silvers, Jeremy Ballard, Mark Schuurman, and Jordan Hicks

Deacons: Ronnie Gregg, Trey Young, Don Yarbrough, Bennie Gaddy, and James Lewis